6 Ways to Make Your Laundry Smell Good

Apr 9, 2024

The simple pleasure of snuggling into a pile of clean clothes becomes even more delightful when those clothes carry a fresh, invigorating scent. The scent of freshly laundered fabrics has the power to uplift your spirits and boost your confidence. But let’s admit it: achieving that perfect laundry scent isn’t always as straightforward as we’d like. If you’ve ever wondered why your laundry doesn’t have that desired fragrance, fret not – we’re here to unravel the mystery. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the common reasons behind those not-so-pleasant laundry odors and arm you with six highly effective strategies to ensure your laundry emerges smelling nothing short of heavenly. Buckle up because we’re about to transform your laundry game!

Why Does My Laundry Smell Bad?

Before we embark on this journey to laundry scent paradise, let’s understand what’s causing your laundry to smell less than appealing.

Leaving Your Laundry In The Washer For Too Long

We’ve all been there – you start a load of laundry with the best of intentions, but then life gets in the way, and before you know it, your damp clothes have been sitting in the washing machine for hours. This creates a prime environment for mold and bacteria to thrive, leading to that dreaded musty smell.

To avoid the musty smell caused by leaving clothes in the washer, always aim to promptly transfer your clothes to the dryer as soon as the washing cycle is complete. If you can’t do this immediately, consider setting a timer to remind yourself.

Dirty Washing Machine

Your washing machine may be great at cleaning your clothes, but it needs some attention, too. Over time, detergent residues, fabric softener, and moisture can accumulate inside the machine, creating a breeding ground for odors that can transfer to your laundry.

Regularly clean your washing machine to prevent the buildup of odorous residues. Run a maintenance cycle with hot water and a cup of white vinegar to dissolve deposits. Wipe down the drum and rubber gasket, and leave the door open between cycles to allow moisture to evaporate.

Not Using The Right Amount Of Detergent

Detergent plays a pivotal role in the cleanliness and scent of your laundry. Using too little detergent might result in inadequate cleaning, whereas using too much can leave behind a soapy residue that traps dirt and odor.

Refer to the guidelines on your detergent’s packaging to determine the appropriate amount to use for your load size. If your clothes are particularly dirty or heavily soiled, consider using a bit more detergent, but be cautious not to go overboard.

Build Up Body Soil On Your Clothing

Our clothes don’t just absorb fashion compliments; they also absorb body oils, sweat, and skin cells. Over time, these residues can accumulate and create a persistent, less-than-pleasant odor.

To prevent the buildup of body soil on your clothing, ensure that you’re using an adequate amount of detergent and following care instructions for each garment. Treating stains promptly and not overloading your washer can also help prevent the accumulation of body soil.

6 Ways To Make Laundry Smell Good

Armed with a better understanding of why your laundry might not be smelling as fresh as you’d like, let’s dive into some practical solutions that will help you learn how to make laundry smell good.

Start By Cleaning Your Machine

The journey to fragrant laundry begins with a clean slate – or, in this case, a clean washing machine. Over time, detergent residues and moisture can lead to mold and bacteria growth. Give your machine a boost by running an empty cycle with hot water and white vinegar. This will help dissolve buildup and banish those pesky odors.

Set a reminder to clean your washing machine every month. Run an empty cycle with hot water and one cup of white vinegar. You can also wipe down the inside of the drum, the detergent dispenser, and the rubber gasket with a mixture of vinegar and water to remove any lingering residues.

Don’t Overload The Washer

We get it – laundry day is busy, and you want to get it all done in one go. But overloading the washer isn’t the way to go. Clothes need space to move around for proper cleaning. By avoiding overloading, you allow water and detergent to reach all areas, resulting in a thorough wash and, consequently, a more pleasing scent outcome.

Follow the guidelines provided by your washing machine’s manufacturer for recommended load sizes. As a general rule, clothes should have enough room to move freely without being tightly packed. This ensures that water and detergent can circulate effectively.

Refrain From Using Excess Detergent Or Fabric Softener

Balancing your detergent and fabric softener quantities is a delicate dance. While fabric softeners impart a lovely scent, excessive use can lead to a residue that actually traps odors. Follow the guidelines on your detergent’s packaging and use fabric softener judiciously.

Read the instructions on your detergent and fabric softener labels to determine the appropriate amounts to use. Remember that using more than the recommended amount doesn’t necessarily result in cleaner or more fragrant laundry. This is a common mistake for those who are figuring out how to make clothes smell good. Stick to the recommended measurements to avoid potential issues.

Consider A Pre-Soak Method

For garments that are particularly stubborn in their refusal to smell good, and you don’t know how to make your clothes smell good, consider a pre-soak. Create a solution of water and either baking soda or white vinegar, and let your clothes soak for about half an hour before washing. This pre-soak helps break down tough odors, resulting in fresher laundry.

Fill a basin or sink with cold water and add half a cup of baking soda or a cup of white vinegar. Submerge your clothes and let them soak for 20 to 30 minutes before transferring them to the washing machine. The pre-soak helps to loosen dirt and odors before the actual wash cycle.

Dry Your Clothes Outside For Added Freshness

Embrace the natural freshness of the outdoors by air-drying your clothes whenever possible. Sunlight and gentle breezes act as natural deodorizers. Not only will your clothes smell wonderfully fresh, but you’ll also reduce your energy consumption, making this an environmentally friendly choice.

If you have access to outdoor space, consider investing in a clothesline or a drying rack. Hang your clothes outside on a sunny day to benefit from the natural deodorizing effects of sunlight and fresh air. Be sure to check the weather forecast to ensure your clothes won’t be caught in the rain.

Dry Your Laundry Right Away

The final step in ensuring your laundry emerges with an appealing scent is to promptly remove your clothes from the dryer as soon as the cycle ends. Allowing clothes to linger in the dryer can result in a musty smell due to trapped moisture. By promptly folding or hanging your clothes, you preserve their newfound freshness. 

Set a timer or reminder to ensure you’re aware of when the drying cycle is complete. As soon as the cycle ends, remove your clothes and either fold them or hang them up. This prevents moisture from accumulating and odors from developing due to extended exposure to damp conditions.

Professional Help: Laundry Service in Houston, TX

Should you find yourself amidst a laundry scent crisis in the Greater Houston Area, and wondering how to make your clothes smell good, fear not! Our excellent laundry service in Houston, TX, is at your service. With expertise spanning a wide range of fabrics and the most stubborn odors, we’re dedicated to not only making your laundry smell incredible but also ensuring it looks its absolute best. Our team understands the intricacies of different fabrics and the science behind effective odor removal.

If you’re struggling to eliminate persistent odors or if you have special fabrics that require expert care, don’t hesitate to reach out to our professional laundry service. We have the tools, knowledge, and experience to tackle even the toughest laundry challenges and ensure your clothes come back fresh, clean, and wonderfully scented. Your search for a reliable and trusted laundry service in Houston ends with Laundry Genie.


By understanding the factors that contribute to undesirable odors and adopting these six tried-and-true strategies, you’re well on your way to achieving laundry nirvana. From maintaining a pristine washing machine to harnessing the power of nature, these tips provide a holistic approach to transforming your laundry routine. And for those instances when expert assistance is needed, our 24-hour laundry service in Houston, TX, is just a phone call away, ready to transform your laundry from lackluster to sensational. Bid farewell to uninspiring laundry scents and welcome the joy of slipping into clothes that not only look pristine but smell like a dream.