How to Prevent Clothes from Shrinking: 5 Helpful Tips

Apr 9, 2024

Shrinking clothes can be an exasperating experience, turning your favorite and most comfortable outfit into an unwearable mini-version of itself. The frustration of discovering shrunken clothes after a laundry cycle is all too real. However, the good news is that with a few simple precautions, you can easily prevent clothes from shrinking and extend the lifespan of your wardrobe. Learn how to prevent clothes from shrinking. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the causes of clothing shrinkage and provide five essential tips that can help you maintain your clothes’ perfect fit and preserve their longevity.

What Causes Clothes to Shrink?

To understand how to prevent clothes from shrinking, it’s crucial to first comprehend why it happens in the first place. The primary culprits behind clothing shrinkage are heat and agitation. Fabrics, especially natural fibers like cotton and wool, are prone to contracting when exposed to high temperatures. This contraction leads to the fibers tightening, which ultimately results in that shrunken appearance that nobody desires. Furthermore, agitation during the washing and drying process can exacerbate this issue, causing the fibers to rub against each other and contribute to the overall shrinkage.

How to Keep Clothes from Shrinking

Now that we’ve covered the underlying causes, let’s dive into the five practical steps you can take to prevent clothes from shrinking and ensure your garments remain in their ideal state. Here is how to avoid shrinking clothes.

Step 1: Check Fabric Care Labels Before You Buy & Before Doing Laundry

The journey to preventing clothing shrinkage begins before you even make a purchase. Always be vigilant about checking the fabric care labels attached to your garments. These labels serve as your ultimate guide to the appropriate care methods for each specific fabric. Pay close attention to instructions related to water temperature, recommended washing cycles, and drying techniques. If you’re concerned about shrinkage, steer clear of clothes that require high-heat washing or drying.

Moreover, the importance of rechecking these care labels before each laundry cycle cannot be overstated. Different fabrics have different tolerances for heat and agitation. Adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines can significantly mitigate the risk of shrinkage and ensure your clothes remain in optimal condition.

Step 2: Use Cold Water and the Proper Wash Cycles

If you are wondering how to stop clothes from shrinking, your choice of water temperature and wash cycle plays a pivotal role in preventing clothes from shrinking. Opt for cold water whenever possible, particularly for delicate fabrics. Cold water is less likely to cause fibers to constrict and helps maintain the structural integrity of your clothes. For garments with tougher stains, consider pre-treating the stains with a stain remover before washing.

Equally vital is selecting the appropriate wash cycle. Delicate or gentle cycles are designed to be less abrasive on fabrics, minimizing the risk of excessive agitation and consequent shrinkage. Reserve heavy-duty cycles for sturdier fabrics that can withstand the added movement. Pay attention to the washing cycle, water temperature, and the type of detergent you use. Using a powerful detergent to get rid of stubborn stains may seem like a smart choice, but it can damage the fibers of your clothes. All these factors are important and need your attention to prevent your clothes from shrinking or getting damaged.

Step 3: Select the Tumble Dry or Air Dry Setting

Now, it is time to learn how to dry clothes without shrinking. The drying phase of laundering is where the potential for shrinkage escalates. If you’re using a machine dryer, exercise caution by opting for the tumble dry setting on low or medium heat. High heat can trigger rapid fiber contraction, leading to shrinkage. By choosing the gentle tumble dry setting, you allow your clothes to dry without exposing them to extreme heat.

To further safeguard against shrinkage, consider using dryer balls or clean tennis balls within the dryer. These items act as friction barriers, preventing clothes from clumping together. This promotes more even drying and reduces the likelihood of shrinkage.

Step 4: Avoid Over-Drying Laundry

One common misstep in the drying process is over-drying. Leaving clothes inside the dryer for extended periods after they’re fully dry is a recipe for shrinkage. Not only does over-drying lead to smaller clothes, but it can also result in stubborn wrinkles that are challenging to remove.

To combat this, the moment your clothes are dry, promptly remove them from the dryer and either fold or hang them. If you’re concerned about residual moisture, consider employing a moisture sensor or setting a shorter drying time to prevent over-drying.

Step 5: Try Air Drying Your Clothes

When uncertainty prevails, embrace the natural approach – air drying your clothes. Air drying is one of the safest methods to prevent shrinkage. Lay your garments flat on a clean surface or hang them on a drying rack. Steer clear of using thin wire hangers, as they can stretch fabrics and cause distortion.

While air drying might demand more patience due to its longer duration, it’s gentle on fabrics and helps them retain their original size and shape. Additionally, it’s an environmentally friendly option that conserves energy and reduces your carbon footprint. You can also consider a professional for it. Plus, laundry services also provide wash and fold service.


Preventing clothes from shrinking demands attention to detail and a proactive approach to your laundry routine. By following these five essential tips – meticulously checking fabric care labels, opting for cold water, selecting appropriate wash and dry cycles, avoiding over-drying, and embracing air drying – you can effectively preserve the perfect fit and appearance of your clothes for years to come. The extra effort required for prevention pales in comparison to the frustration of discovering shrunken clothes. With a bit of mindfulness and some simple adjustments, you can bid farewell to the annoyance of unintentional clothing shrinkage and ensure that your wardrobe remains as stylish and comfortable as ever. Your garments will thank you by maintaining their ideal fit, wear after wear. If you find all this too much, considering your busy schedule, contact the professionals at Laundry Genie for reliable and quality wash and fold services.