How to Wash a Backpack

Apr 2, 2024

A well-maintained backpack is a trusty companion for various adventures, whether hiking, travelling, or daily use. Over time, however, dirt, stains, and odors can accumulate, compromising both its appearance and functionality. Knowing how to wash a backpack properly is essential to keep it clean and ready for your next journey. This guide will be your comprehensive answer to “how to clean a backpack’ and will walk you through the step-by-step process of washing a backpack, from preparing it for cleaning to selecting the correct cleaning method and ensuring it dries thoroughly. With the proper care, you can extend the life of your backpack and keep it looking and smelling fresh.

What You’ll Need to Wash a Backpack

Before embarking on the journey to wash your backpack, gathering the necessary tools and materials is essential. In the unlikely event that you do not or cannot get them, you could always opt for a home laundry service. Otherwise, here’s a list of what you’ll need to ensure a successful cleaning process:

Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

  1. Backpack: The backpack you intend to clean.
  2. Mild Detergent: Choose a gentle, non-bleaching detergent suitable for cleaning fabrics. Avoid using harsh detergents, as they can damage the backpack’s materials.
  3. Soft Brush: A soft-bristle brush or a toothbrush can be handy for removing loose dirt and debris from the backpack’s exterior.
  4. Sink or Basin: You’ll need a clean sink or basin large enough to accommodate the backpack.
  5. Soft Cloth or Sponge: Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth or sponge for cleaning and scrubbing.
  6. Soft Bristle Brush (Optional): Use this brush for cleaning zippers and hard-to-reach crevices.
  7. Cool Water: You’ll generally use cool or lukewarm water for cleaning the backpack.
  8. Towels: Clean, dry towels for drying the backpack.

Gather Supplies

To prepare for washing your backpack effectively, gather all the necessary supplies in one place. Having everything on hand ensures a smooth and efficient cleaning process. Arrange the items neatly and ensure you have adequate space to work on cleaning your backpack.

Read the Care Instructions Label

Before you begin the cleaning process, it’s crucial to check the care instructions label or manufacturer’s recommendations on your backpack. The care label typically provides valuable information about the appropriate cleaning methods, temperature settings, and any specific precautions you should take.

Understanding and following the care label’s guidance ensures that you clean your backpack in a manner that preserves its quality, color, and functionality. It also helps prevent accidental damage or shrinkage during the cleaning process.

Empty the Backpack and Brush Off Visible Dirt

The first step in preparing your backpack for washing is to ensure it’s empty and free of any loose dirt or debris:

  • Remove all items from the backpack, including any pockets or compartments. Check every nook and cranny to make sure nothing is left inside.
  • Take the empty backpack outside or to an area where it’s easy to shake and gently tap it to remove loose dirt and debris. Use a soft-bristle brush or toothbrush to carefully sweep away any remaining dirt, paying attention to zippers, seams, and crevices.

Prepare the Bag for Washing

Preparing the backpack is essential to prevent potential damage during the washing process:

  • Ensure all zippers, buckles, and fasteners are securely closed to prevent them from snagging or catching during washing.
  • If your backpack has removable or reversible pockets, turn them inside out to clean them thoroughly.
  • If your backpack has detachable straps or accessories, such as hip belts or chest straps, remove them if possible, as this prevents them from tangling or getting damaged in the wash.

Pre-Treat Stains

Before proceeding with the washing process, it’s an excellent practice to pre-treat any stubborn stains or spots on your backpack:

  • Identify Stains: Examine the backpack for any visible stains or spots that require attention.
  • Spot Cleaner: Use a fabric spot cleaner or mild detergent and water to treat the stains. Gently blot or rub the stained area with a clean cloth or sponge. Follow the instructions on the spot cleaner’s label.
  • Allow Soaking Time: Let the spot cleaner sit on the stains for the recommended duration specified in the product’s instructions, as this allows it to break down and lift the stains effectively.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: After soaking, rinse the treated areas with cool water to remove the spot cleaner and any loosened debris. Pat the treated areas dry with a clean cloth.

Machine Wash with a Gentle Cycle

Machine washing suits many backpacks, especially those of durable fabrics like nylon or polyester. Here’s how to machine wash your backpack safely:

  • Load the Backpack: Place your prepared backpack in the washing machine. Ensure it’s the only item in the machine, or wash it with similar-colored items to prevent color bleeding.
  • Select a Gentle Cycle: Use a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water. Avoid hot water or harsh cycles, damaging the fabric, and waterproof coatings.
  • Use Mild Detergent: Add a small amount of mild detergent, preferably one designed for delicate fabrics. Avoid using bleach or strong detergents that can harm the backpack’s materials.
  • Start the Cycle: Begin the washing cycle, allowing the machine to fill with water and mix in the detergent before agitating the backpack. This gentle washing action helps remove dirt and grime while minimizing stress on the bag’s materials.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: After completing the washing cycle, run a rinse cycle to remove detergent residues thoroughly.

Air Dry Backpack

Drying your backpack is crucial to prevent damage, maintain its shape, and prolong its lifespan. Here’s how to air-dry your backpack:

  • Remove Excess Water: Gently squeeze out excess water from the backpack after washing. Avoid wringing or twisting it, as this can distort the shape and stress the materials.
  • Hang to Dry: Hang the backpack upside down in a well-ventilated area, such as outdoors on a clothesline or indoors on a shower rod. Ensure it is exposed to fresh air and not placed in direct sunlight, which can fade colors and damage materials.
  • Keep Straps Loose: Ensure you loosen all straps and buckles to prevent any pressure points from forming during drying.
  • Check and Adjust: Periodically check the backpack during drying to ensure it’s drying evenly and maintaining its shape. Gently reshape it as needed.

How Do You Clean a Leather Backpack?

Cleaning a leather backpack requires special care, such as those available through a specialist drop off laundry in Houston, to maintain its quality and appearance. However, here’s a general guide for cleaning leather backpacks:

  • Dust and Dirt Removal: Use a soft, dry cloth or a soft-bristle brush to remove surface dust and dirt. Gently wipe or brush the leather to avoid scratching it.
  • Spot Cleaning: For stains or spots, dampen a clean cloth with water and add a small amount of mild leather cleaner or a mixture of water and mild soap. Test the solution on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the leather. Gently rub the stained area in a circular motion.
  • Rinse and Dry: Rinse the cloth with clean water and wipe away any soap residue after spot cleaning. Pat the cleaned area with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • Conditioning: To keep the leather supple and prevent it from drying out, apply a leather conditioner or cream following the manufacturer’s instructions, as this helps maintain the leather’s natural oils and prevents it from becoming brittle.

How to Wash a Polyester or Nylon Backpack?

Here’s how to wash a polyester or nylon backpack:

  • Empty Contents: Remove all items from the backpack, including pockets and compartments.
  • Shake and Brush: Take the empty backpack outside or to an area where it’s easy to shake and gently tap it to remove loose dirt and debris.
  • Machine Wash: Polyester and nylon backpacks can typically be machine washed. Place the backpack in a pillowcase or laundry bag to protect it during the wash.
  • Use a Gentle Cycle: Select a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water. Avoid using hot water or harsh cycles that can damage the materials.
  • Mild Detergent: Add a small amount of mild detergent for delicate fabrics to the washing machine.
  • Start the Cycle: Begin the washing cycle, allowing the machine to fill with water and mix in the detergent before washing the backpack. This gentle washing action helps remove dirt and grime.
  • Rinse and Dry: After completing the washing cycle, run a rinse cycle to remove all detergent residues thoroughly. Then, hang the backpack upside down in a well-ventilated area to air dry.

How to Wash Canvas and Cotton Backpacks?

According to reputable sources like a self service laundry in Houston, here’s how to wash a canvas or cotton backpack:

  • Shake and Brush: Take the empty backpack outside or to an area where it’s easy to shake and gently tap it to remove loose dirt and debris.
  • Spot Clean: Dampen a clean cloth with water and mild detergent for minor stains or spots, then gently rub the stained area. Avoid oversaturating the fabric.
  • Hand Wash: Fill a basin or sink with cold water and add a mild detergent. Submerge the backpack and gently move the water to create suds.
  • Gentle Hand Washing: Gently scrub the backpack’s exterior with a soft cloth or sponge. Pay extra attention to soiled areas.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Empty the soapy water and rinse the backpack with cold water until you remove all detergent residues.
  • Air Dry: Hang the backpack upside down in a well-ventilated area to air dry. Ensure it is exposed to fresh air and not placed in direct sunlight.

How Often to Wash a Backpack?

The frequency of washing a backpack depends on its usage and exposure to dirt and sweat. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Regular Use: For backpacks used daily or for commuting, washing every 2-3 months is a good practice to prevent the buildup of dirt, oils, and odors.
  • Occasional Use: For backpacks used infrequently or seasonally, washing before storing them for an extended period is recommended.
  • Spot Cleaning: Between full washes, spot clean your backpack as needed to address stains or spills promptly.


Knowing how to wash your backpack correctly can extend its lifespan and keep it looking fresh. Regular maintenance, like emptying, shaking, spot cleaning, and periodic washing based on usage, will ensure that your trusty backpack remains a reliable companion for your adventures.