Top 5 Laundry Mistakes You’re Making

Apr 2, 2024

Laundry might seem like a straightforward chore — toss in dirty clothes, add detergent, press a button, and voila! But, as simple as it might appear, the perfect wash has a lot more nuance than meets the eye. Many of us unknowingly commit errors in our laundry routine that not only decrease the lifespan of our garments but can also lead to less-than-stellar cleaning results.

From parents to college students doing laundry for the first time, mistakes are common. In this article, we’ll uncover the top five laundry missteps you might be making so you can rectify them and get your clothes looking and feeling their absolute best.

Forgetting to Pre-Treat Stains

What is one of the most frequent culprits behind clothes emerging from the wash still sporting those pesky marks? Neglecting the crucial step of stain pre-treatment. When spills, splatters, or accidents happen, many instinctively toss the stained garment into the laundry basket and deal with it later. However, this delay often seals the stain’s fate, making it far more stubborn to remove during a regular wash.

Immediate action is usually the key to combating stains. When a spill occurs, a quick dab (not rub) with a clean cloth to absorb as much of it as possible can make a difference. Following this, applying a pre-treatment solution or even some liquid detergent directly to the stain can work wonders. Allow it to sit for at least a few minutes or longer for more stubborn stains.

Pre-treating acts as a targeted attack on the stain, breaking down its compounds and making it easier for the washing cycle to lift it off. By overlooking this step, you expect your washing machine to do all the heavy lifting, which often results in disappointment. Remember, a little preemptive care can extend your clothes’ life and keep them pristine.

Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

A common misconception in laundry routines is the belief that using more detergent means cleaner clothes. However, this is one of the common laundry mistakes people make. Overloading your washing machine with too much detergent can lead to many issues, not only for your clothes but also for the machine itself.

Firstly, excessive detergent can leave residues on your clothes. These residues can trap dirt and bacteria, leading to clothes that aren’t as clean as you’d think. Over time, this build-up can make fabrics feel stiff and can even lead to skin irritations, especially for those with sensitive skin.

Secondly, surplus suds from too much detergent can hinder the cleaning action of the washing machine. Instead of agitating and effectively cleaning the clothes, the machine works harder to remove the soap, often without success. The process becomes more complex if we are using cold water. This can also lead to faster wear and tear on the appliance.

Lastly, detergent residues can accumulate inside the washing machine, creating a breeding ground for mold and mildew. This produces an unpleasant odor and can reduce the machine’s efficiency and lifespan.

To avoid these pitfalls, always measure the detergent according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the load size. Remember, more doesn’t always mean better; in the case of laundry detergent, the right amount is the key. You can also connect with a laundry pick up and drop off service and get your washed clothes at your doorstep.

Using Fabric Softener on Everything

Fabric softeners have become synonymous with soft, fragrant clothes. However, a lesser-known fact is that not all fabrics benefit from this addition. Adding a softener to everything is one of the common laundry mistakes. While it’s true that softeners can make certain fabrics feel smoother and smell delightful, they can also reduce the absorbency of materials like towels and athletic wear. This is because fabric softeners coat fibers, making them less efficient at absorbing moisture.

Additionally, materials such as spandex and elastane, commonly found in sportswear, can break down faster when exposed to fabric softeners. Instead of blindly adding softener to every wash, consider the type of fabric and its purpose. Sometimes, it’s best to let the fabric’s natural properties shine without interfering with additives.

Overloading the Washing Machine

We’ve all been there — in a rush, trying to cram just one more garment into laundry appliances to avoid another laundry load. However, overloading the machine with dryer sheets, dresses, shirts, and other garments can minimize its efficiency. When packed to the brim, clothes don’t have enough room to move around during the wash cycle, preventing the detergent from being distributed evenly and the water from rinsing thoroughly. The result? Clothes that aren’t properly cleaned, and often, they come out more wrinkled.

Overstuffing is one among the many laundry mistakes that can strain the machine’s motor and drum, leading to costly repairs or a reduced lifespan. It’s always better to do smaller, more frequent loads or invest in a larger capacity machine if needed. This is also applicable to the dryer lint trap. Remember, giving your clothes some ‘breathing’ space in the machine will ensure they get the thorough clean they deserve. So, next time you visit a 24 hour laundry in Houston, Texas, ensure small load batches for an effective wash.

Mixing Colors and Whites

A fundamental rule in the world of laundry is segregating whites from colors and for a good reason. Combining them might seem harmless, especially when you’re in a hurry, but the consequences can be long-lasting and often regrettable. 

When colored clothes are washed, some of the dye can bleed, especially if they’re new or of lower quality. When whites are in the same wash, they become susceptible to catching these stray dyes, leading to a dull, off-white hue or, worse, unintentional pastel-colored clothing. Not only does this diminish the brightness of your whites, but it also makes them harder to restore.

Additionally, white garments typically require a different wash setting, often hotter, to achieve that crisp, clean look. Mixing them with colors means you’ll either wash colors in settings too harsh for them or whites in conditions too gentle, compromising the cleanliness and integrity of both.


In the intricate dance of laundry, the steps might seem straightforward, but as we’ve discovered, there’s more than meets the eye. While the allure of shortcuts is tempting, they can lead to unintended consequences that might cost you both time and cherished clothing items. By being mindful of these top five mistakes, you’re not just preserving the longevity and appearance of your garments but also ensuring that laundry day yields the results you desire. Remember, the best practices, even if they take a bit more time or effort, often lead to the most rewarding outcomes. Here’s to cleaner, brighter, and more vibrant clothes that stand the test of time!